Monthly Archives: November 2012

Rekap Wawancara Seb dan Chuck Menghadiri Acara Ca Commence Bien

Senin ini, tepatnya tanggal 19 November Chuck dan Sebastien Simple Plan menghadiri taping dari acara pagi yang disebut “Ca Commence Bien” di tele V dimana mereka bertemu teman lama Patrick langlois (ex-webmaster of guy/photographer/videographer) yang telah bekerja sejak September ini.

Chuck dan Seb berada disana untuk mendiskusikan buku baru mereka “Simple Plan: The Official Story” dan juga berbicara lebih lanjut tentang perjalanan mereka selama ini.

Sekarang Astronaut bisa nonton video wawancara mereka, dan juga bisa baca beberapa rekap apa yang mereka bicarakan :

Patrick shows the first “draft” of the SP book, with the sign 1999-2006 which was prepared in 2006 as the first concept of the “photo-book”. Seb adds that they were waiting for a cool occasion to actually start working on such project, and the 10 years was the perfect occasion. Chuck adds that writing a book is harder than writing an album, because a book needs a structure, details, cool layouts and archives.

Patrick himself brought his own pile of archives to the show such as his first camera, a room key that he forgot to return and Chuck jokes that he has 25x the amount of archives than Pat.

After being asked which picture is their favourite, Seb shows the image used for the back side of the book which captures the band on stage in Quebec with their biggest crowd ever.

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PHOTOS: Simple Plan Coca-Cola Music Experience di Madrid, Spanyol

Udah hampir 3 hari terakhir ini SP guys berada di Madrid, Spanyol dimana mereka menghadiri festival Coca-Cola Music Experience kemarin. Inilah foto foto perform mereka, cekidot Astronaut Indonesia, lumayan pagi-pagi disuguhin foto-foto SP guys lagi perform.